is a kind of monetary union. Swiss Confederation consists of 26 cantons and 2’495 communes. Under the Federal
Constitution, all cantons have equal rights, and in comparison with the
situation in other countries, they have a high degree of independence. They
enjoy a large degree of latitude in health care, education and culture.
is with 7.8m inhabitants a multilingual country. The laws are formulated as
clearly as possible in the official languages of German, French and Italian.
Some cantons
are more indebted than others. Some cantons are economically weaker than
others. But the currency union works in spite of cultural differences. Why? It
is because of institutions.
has Swiss Francs (CHF) as a common currency for its different kind of economic
regions. As Paul Krugman explains in
his book
“End This Depression, Now!”, certain
conditions must be met in order to make a currency union work from the
perspective of economic theory. The model is an optimum currency area (OCA), which must be pursued. This means that
the advantages have to outweigh the disadvantages of a common currency.
The cantons in
Switzerland are closely intertwined, so that there are substantial benefits
that they all have the same currency. The cantons have only limited
possibilities for economic stabilization. And they have mainly no monetary
policy as a relevant instrument of economic policy.
As regards
the criteria labor mobility (Robert Mundell) and fiscal integration (Peter Kenen) Swiss Cantons suite for a single currency (very) well.
Workers move freely to wherever the jobs are. When canton Valais is in a
recession and canton Zurich in a boom, then the unemployed Welsh can go to
Zurich, where they find jobs. But the migration of workers do not provide for
compensation for different economic developments in the cantons. Switzerland is
in that matter not an optimum currency area (OCA). But the fiscal integration
is available. The cantons help each other out and the federal government also
helps. So there are structural compensations.
The canton Zug pays nearly 20% of its income as
financial compensation to other weaker cantons. But Zug benefits like all the
cantons from federal payments. Overall the canton Zug is the largest net
contributor of all. The canton Obwalden
however is the largest net recipient of funds in support. There are only four
cantons in total, which pay net more compensation to the other cantons: Zug,
Zurich, Geneva and Basel City.
In contrast
to the European Monetary Union, the transfer payments (such as fiscal packages)
are no loans. They are not owed, so that they don’t lead to a further debt of
the beneficiary canton.
could basically create a “Moral Hazard”-Problem.
The recipients of payments have incentives to behave in a way that payments are
made on. The Swiss system tries to reduce the “Moral Hazard” incentive as well as
possible. The cantons receive financial support not because of their financial “statements”,
but because of their financial “potential”. Moreover, no other cantons are
obliged, to come up for a possible bankruptcy of another canton. Thus, the
cantons remain in their fiscal policy largely independent particularly in
matters of taxation.
security is settled at the federal government and plays an important function
of stability. It has an important share of the stimulus measures and for the
redistribution, if individual cantos or regions get in crisis.
All cantons
of Switzerland’s currency area are subject to the same bank supervision. If a
major bank in Zurich is at risk, canton Zurich must not cope alone with the
problem. The Central Bank (SNB) intervenes and provides the necessary liquidity
(as in the case of UBS in 2008) to prevent a bank run, if the survival of the
bank essential for the stability of the economy. And there is a common deposit
insurance regardless of in which canton the banks are.
Last but not
least: The redistribution between the cantons of Switzerland’s currency area
based on a relatively large democratic participation, both at the canton level
and at the level of Federal Confederation, with direct influence via referenda
and initiatives.
Communes are the smallest political units in Switzerland. The next largest
political units are the states, which are known as cantons.
PPS: Ich habe mich von Markus Diem
Meiers Artikel („Vorbild Schweizerische Währungsunion“) im Blog “Never
Mind the Markets” inspirieren lassen und wesentliche Einsichten, die ich auch
teile, hier zusammengefasst.
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