Heiner Flassbeck is the former Director of UNCTAD, Geneva
economists accuse France of mercantilism, just because French President
Hollande called for a weaker euro. Is it a joke?
Unfortunately not. No doubt, the
country that has engaged in aggressive mercantilism for more than ten years now
is Germany, not France. However, beyond that there is a real danger of
competitive depreciation in the world at this moment of time as everybody tries
to improve competitiveness, something that is impossible for the world as a
whole. But logic is not a category that would impress our policy makers or
mainstream economists.
What do you
think of the proposal of a coalition party of the German government, to include
the protection against inflation in the constitution?
They should include protection
against deflation. That is the real danger for the Eurozone as everybody tries
to improve competitiveness by cutting wages and unit labor costs. Overall, this
“putting something into the constitution” to secure it forever will never work
if it is against the macroeconomic logic. If you don’t include the behavior of
everyone in the constitution, it is useless to constrain the government and
take the necessary flexibility out of the system.
What is
your take on assessment of some economists who see the determination of the
minimum exchange rate (of 1.20 CHF per EUR) by the SNB as a “currency war”?
There are many forms of currency
wars, and clearly, the intervention of the SNB is part of it. However, the
intervention was justified for a time as the markets tend to overshoot and
destroy economies in a couple of months if not stopped. Nevertheless, the Swiss
government should engage in pushing more countries of the world to take up in
the inevitable task of creating a new global monetary System sooner or later.
Unilateral measures are no solution as well as it is no solution at all to
leave the determination of the exchange rates to the financial markets.
Thank you
very much
Heiner Flassbeck has served since 2006 as Director of the Division on
Globalization and Development Strategies of the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development (UNCTAD). He worked 1998-1999 as state secretary in the
Federal Ministry of Finance in Germany. He is the author of numerous books and
articles on macroeconomic issues, particular on the current financial crisis
and its impact on the real economy.
Here are some books by Prof.
Flassbeck, which have been reviewed in this blog:
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